(909) 915-5762

First I gotta thank everyone involved in these last two litters. WOW! That was something 20 dogs at once. Well Thank you all.
The awesome news for Christmas is that Daffy is expecting. Sonogram showed six or seven but they were kind of grouped up. We'll see. Expecting real nice dogs as usual. Taking Reservations Now.


Mom and Dad!!
Who We Are...
Golden Kennel Breeders has owned and bred Golden Retrievers for over 25years. Our newest dogs are being bred specifically with health and temperament in mind. All of our dogs have come from champion lines with heart, hips and eye certifications. We feel that this is important as your family is going to fall totally in love with one of our puppies and they’ll be part of your family for a long time. Come meet the parents and you’ll see.
One of our females has traveled to us from an awesome breeder in Serbia. I’ll introduce all of our dogs to you in the “Our Family” section of the web site. They’ve grown up in a very country playful activity filled atmosphere. There loving, kind, gentle and trusting. We have a mix of colors from a #1 that is almost white to a #8 that's almost red. (see chart on tab 2).


Pups from last years litter.